Two men walk into a pub

Around 2010 two long standing residents of Newbold discussed the desire to bring knowledge of our Village to a wider audience.
Bill Reid and John Hill have both lived in the village for many years. They had amassed a number of photographs –old and new, had a store of tales and a fair knowledge of the history of the area.
They co-opted a third member, Charlotte Sutton and together with her father (David Price) started a little group. They began to collate their information, and still want more details from anyone who has anything to provide.
Much later a website was launched.
The group grew and continues to do so.
The Newbold Heritage team live within the village, or nearby. Initially, we have been the primary sources of information. This has come from the experiences of our own families and our historical records and photographs. It is pleasing to say that since this project has become more widely known, we have received information from much further away. We also work with other organisations to incorporate their relevant historical information into our website.
...and Now

The aim of the group, now christened “The Newbold Heritage Group”, is simple.
Preserve the information from the past, enhance it, and get as many people as possible to enjoy it.
Oh –and have some fun in doing so.We want to-
- Make the Past Inspiring- for You in the Future
- Preserve and Enhance the Natural Beauty of the Area
Give You a Pleasant Place for a Relaxing Walk
Provide You with an Insight into the History of -
- Newbold - a little Hamlet in North-West Leicestershire
- 800 years of Coal mining
- Local Railways and Tramways
- The Pipe works
Come and Explore.

One tends to see this area of NW Leicestershire from the main roads, on the way to somewhere else. So, people see it as derelict coalfields and the remnants of industrial workings.
BUT… get into the minor roads, little lanes and pathways and there you see a different picture. NW Leicestershire has a landscape of shallow valleys and ridges, with various mining villages and associated industrial archaeological features. The area has open views, with low hedges around large fields and a few mature hedgerow trees.
The immediate area around Newbold differs in that it has many parts that are much more rural. Here, there are more mature hedges and trees, and the fields are much smaller.
The New Lount Nature Reserve in Newbold is now an interesting and pleasant place for a leisurely walk. It used to be a coal mine. Although easy to find, it is never busy enough to feel crowded. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
Improvements to the Reserve are ongoing-so your feedback is important. We continue to source funding and sponsorship from the various bodies, which will allow us to proceed at a faster rate.
This website contains a taster of the information that is available. It describes some of the history of England and Newbold from the Middle Ages to the Present Day.